When we have fixed a program with you and you are ready to confirm, we ask you to send us a booking form for each person and a personal check or PayPal payment as non-refundable deposit. The form asks for basic information and has a mildly worded liability disclaimer. The deposit varies depending on your program, but will be 10-20 percent of the total amount of your trip. The balance is due on arrival in Kathmandu in US dollars, Euros, or Pounds, cash or travelers checks.
When you confirm we put you in our schedule, assign a crew, and make all transportation and hotel reservations. Although we're experienced in making arrangements at the last minute, it's best to confirm your trip early. Airline seats are always heavily booked, and hotel reservations can be tight during peak season.
We believe that your money should benefit Nepalis, not some large travel company in the US or Europe. Friends in High Places is based in Kathmandu with US and UK booking agents. With low overhead expenses outside Nepal, most of your money goes to the Nepalese people - the Sherpas, cooks, inkeepers, and others who assist you, and the farmers who grow most of the food you ea
And because we're a Nepali company, we naturally practice what has recently become popularized as ecotourism. This is our country, and on many trips you will pass near or through the home village of someone on your crew. We do everything possible to protect the environment and our heritage while showing you the best Nepal has to offer.
Money Karma: Our "dharma", the life-path we tread, requires us to act with honesty and compassion towards all beings. Our promise to you is a square deal and best value for your money, satisfaction guaranteed. We can do no less... Namaste!