About Us
Starting from 1986, Friends in High Places offers you the entire Himalaya, from Ladakh in the west to Bhutan in the East. Whether trekking in Nepal, riding elephants in India, braving the heights of the Tibetan Plateau, or venturing the wilds of Bhutan, do it with Friends in High Places. Our commitment to you is individual, friendly service and maximum flexibility.
We don't operate big tour groups of strangers. In places where the rules require (e.g., Tibet) or where practicality dictates, we'll match you with like-minded folk.
Most of our trips are individually designed and operated for you. This has been our mission for more than a decade: To make your Himalayan holiday what you want it to be, when you want it, with the best service and at a reasonable price. What friends would do...
When we have fixed a program with you and you are ready to confirm, we ask you to send us a booking form for each person and a personal check or PayPal payment as non-refundable deposit. The form asks for basic information and has a mildly worded liability disclaimer. The deposit varies depending on your program, but will be 10-20 percent of the total amount of your trip. The balance can be paid by bank transfer, on arrival in any major currency, or by credit card with a surcharge.
When you confirm we put you in our schedule, assign a crew, and make all transportation and hotel reservations. Although we're experienced in making arrangements at the last minute, it's best to confirm your trip early. Airline seats are always heavily booked, and hotel reservations can be tight during peak season.